How Can I Comfort My Child Before and After Shots?

By Ryan Hassan MD, MPH

Nobody likes getting poked.  Children, just like adults, may fear needles and the temporary pain that comes with receiving a shot.  Fortunately, as parents, we have the power to comfort our children when they get vaccines. Below are some suggestions on how to do this.

Before and during the shots: 

  • Talk to your child on the morning of the appointment and walk through the events of the day, including the medical visit and shot. Then talk about the next event so that your child focuses beyond the vaccination (e.g., “We’re going out for ice cream afterward”).

  • Remain calm when it’s time to get the shot. This will help your child stay calm as well.

  • Acknowledge and validate your child’s fear. Fear is healthy and normal, and talking about it makes it easier to manage.

  • Do not negotiate with your child about the vaccine. This is something they need to get to stay healthy, no matter how afraid or uncomfortable they are with it, just like wearing a seat belt in a car or a helmet on a bike.

  • Your child’s position during the shot can make a difference. Try holding your child in a way that’s more like being hugged and less like being restrained. Letting an older child remain upright allows a sense of control and decreases fear. 

  • Skin-to-skin contact, breastfeeding, or pacifiers may soothe your baby during a shot. Drinking sugar water before or during the shots can provide some relief from pain by replacing the pain with a pleasurable sensation. 

  • With older children, try taking deep breaths. The child can let loose the arm receiving the shot, take in a deep breath before the shot, and then release a full, relaxing breath out during the shot. Focusing on breathing can distract from the pain. 

  • Ask your medical provider about a shot blocker or a Buzzy© device, which are tools designed to minimize the pain from the needle’s insertion. If your provider doesn’t have one, you can buy it online or at most pharmacies.

  • Don’t use shots as a threat. Children get vaccines to stay healthy, not as a punishment for behavior we don’t like.

After the shots: 

  • Immediately after the shot, try to distract your child with a game, a stuffed animal, or a song. Don’t dwell on the shot once it’s over. Acknowledge your child’s pain if they are upset about it, emphasize what went well, and then move on.

  • For children who feel up to it, it can help to record a video of your child talking to their future self about how well the shot went, so that they can watch it the next time they are due for a vaccine.

  • If your child is fussy after vaccination or develops a fever, you can give acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil) to reduce discomfort. If your child is uncomfortable for more than 24 hours or develops any symptoms that concern you, call your provider.

  • If your child’s arm or leg is swollen, hot, or red, apply a clean, cool, wet washcloth over the sore for comfort. If the redness or tenderness increases after 24 hours, call your medical provider. 

    Hopefully, these tips will help make your next vaccine visit smoother and easier for you and your child.


Ableism in the Anti-Vaccine Movement