Youth Involvement

FYI - For Youth Immunization

What is FYI?

FYI is a youth-run training program for teens to learn how to have hard conversations about immunizations. We equip students with scientific-based information and teach them effective communication skills. Our goal is for trained participants to encourage immunization to their families, schools, and communities.

Why youth?

Adults have created an environment where vaccination statuses are politicized to the point that you can’t have simple conversations about vaccines. This is why it’s important for teens like us to relearn how to check our biases and have discussions on immunization together.


To the right is a link to the slideshow we use for the training sessions. Feel free to look through it for information or to use it to teach others how to have productive conversations about vaccines.


Teens for Vaccines

UNITY for Consortium

CHoP’s Center

Countering Vaccine Hesitancy

Top 5 Concerns about Vaccines and How to Address Them

Contact your Local Health Department about Getting Vaccinated

Training video

What is an FYI Ambassador, and how can I become one?

Being an FYI Ambassador means you have gone through the training and are equipped to advocate for immunization in your community. If you are a high schooler in Oregon who are interested in becoming an FYI Ambassador, contact us using the form below!

Our FYI Ambassadors Leadership Team

Zoie Calora
Snapchat & Instagram: Zoie_Calora

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